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2025 Board of Directors Candidate Submission
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Thank you for your interest in the PAEA Board of Directors Call for Candidates.
All submissions must be completed by May 21, 2024 for consideration.
Each submission should be completed for one position. If you wish to be a candidate for multiple positions, please complete each submission separately.
Please have a current copy of your CV and video ready to include, more information below.
For questions and additional help, please contact:
Ashley Bray - ABray@PAEAonline.org
Karen Hills - KHills@PAEAonline.org
2025 Open Board of Directors Positions
We encourage members who want to serve PA education at the highest level to consider running for the 2025 PAEA Board of Directors. Three open positions are available: President Elect, Treasurer and one Director at Large.
For President Elect, the term of office is three years (one year as President Elect, one year as President, and one year as Past President). The criteria for service and requirements are:
- An applicant must hold an appointment as a faculty/staff member in a PAEA member program and have at least three years’ experience in a PAEA elected or board appointed position.
For the Director at Large position, the term of office is three years. The criteria for service and requirements are:
- An applicant must hold an appointment as a faculty/staff member in a PAEA member program and have at least two years’ experience in a PAEA elected or Board appointed position.
For Treasurer, the term of office is three years. The Criteria for Service and Requirements:
- An applicant for treasurer must hold an appointment as a faculty/staff member in a PAEA member program and have at least two years’ experience in PAEA by the time the nominee takes office with prior experience on the Board, as the chair of a PAEA committee, or on the finance committee of a professional organization or constituent chapter.
- Candidates should possess sound knowledge of budgeting and accounting principles and the ability to articulate these. They should also be organized and detail-oriented and able to communicate with skill and diplomacy.
Please consider nominating yourself or encouraging a colleague to run for the Board. Candidates who will enhance the diversity of the Board are strongly encouraged to apply.
Candidates will be expected to participate in "meet the candidate" opportunities such as a virtual webinar, coffee chats, or in-person sessions at the 2024 Education Forum*
*Attendance at the Forum is not a requirement for all candidates and we will ensure equitable opportunities for members to engage with candidates